How To Lower Your Blood Pressure Before Your DOT Physical

Not only are there simple ways to lower your blood pressure before a certain date, but you can lower it and keep it that way for good.

Lowering your blood pressure is as easy as following a few simple steps. These steps include:

  • Drinking plenty of water. This help to flush out toxins, and lowers your sodium levels!
  • AVOID caffeine, alcohol, and cigarettes
  • Eat more bananas! Potassium can have wonderful side effects on your blood pressure!
  • Simply take a deep breath!
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables
  • Take naps and sleep when possible (even a 15-minute nap on your 30)

There are also certain types of foods you can include in your diet that will lower your blood pressure. These include:

  • Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries
  • Oatmeal
  • Bananas
  • Salmon
  • Dark Chocolate! For those of you who have a sweet tooth (; but of course only in moderation!
  • Pistachios
  • Olive Oil (You can use this instead of butter!)

Most of these things can be bought at the truck stop.

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